Premsa 9 Maig, 2016

La UPIIP a la SEI2016

Els passats dies 5, 6 i 7 de Maig es va celebrar el 39è Congrés de la Societat Espanyola d'Immunologia (SEI) a Alacant. La UPIIP hi va ser present en dues comunicacions orals presentades per la Marina Garcia, investigadora predoctoral de la unitat: "Functional and molecular characterization of a novel nonsense mutation in IL2RG gene in a family with atypical presentation" i "Genetic diagnosis and extended immunophenotype in patients with activated pi3kδ syndrome (APDS) caused by mutations in the PI3KR1 gene".

Des del Servei d'Immunologia de Vall d'Hebron es van presentar altres comunicacions orals com "High prevalence of complement C5 p.A252T mutation in African populations: a worldwide study" per la Clara Franco, "Clinical application of next-generation sequencing in the genetic diagnosis of primary Immunodeficiencies" pel Dr. Roger Colobran, un cas clínic, "Mutación monoalélica en el gen STXBP2 en un paciente con dos episodios de síndrome hemofagocítico" per la Laura Viñas i un póster, "PD-L1 expression by thyroid follicular cells in Graves ’ disease, a clue for the understanding of gd immunopathology?" per el Daniel Álvarez.

UPIIP's picture